Calls For Justice
The Calls for Justice program encompasses and oversees the Highway of Tears Initiative, which addresses historical and systemic issues of women missing or murdered along the Highway 16 corridor.
The Calls for Justice program advocates for the safety of Indigenous women in alignment with the 33 Highway of Tears Recommendations and the 231 Calls for Justice from the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women.
The program works alongside the Highway of Tears Governing Body which is representative of families and loved ones of those who have been lost along the Highway of Tears. We also provide violence and victim prevention, along with awareness education for individuals, communities and service providers situated along the Highway of Tears corridor.
View the 231 Calls for Justice here.

Pillars of Hope and Strength
The Governing Body of the Highway of Tears and Carrier Sekani Family Services are leading the creation and installation of two carved pillars to commemorate the women and children, and honour their families. The pillars will serve as important markers of awareness and peaceful visiting places for rest and remembrance for the families and the broader community.
Located between Prince George and Smithers, the billboards feature images and messaging of hopeand strength to highlight the value of people in the north and that we are all, as communities, stronger together.
As you travel on this stretch of Highway 16 we hope that these billboards will create a moment for pause to remember, honour and to reflect on what we all can do to make this highway and the communities surrounding it a safer place
Community Safety toolkit
Our revised National Community Safety Toolkit will be shared in Indigenous communities across Canada in person and on our website called Our Spirit, to be launched.
Destinys Project
through this 36 month project – CSFS will increase its ability to prevent and address gender based violence against indigenous women, girl and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people with a focus on individuals leaving domestic violence in Northern British Columbia.
“We are Hope , We are Strength” Photo and Video Series
Carrier Sekani Family Services has received funding from Women and Gender Equality to create a series of vignettes that will highlight notions of Hope and Strength that exist in Indigenous Communities and in particular within Indigenous women. The film series will be called We are Hope, We are Strength and will feature the artistic beauty of Highway 16, the Highway of Tears, and Canada while also capturing generational messages of hope and strength amongst Indigenous women in this space and beyond
UNBC Research, Indigenous Data Collection Project
Carrier Sekani Family Services has contracted the University of Northern British Columbia and the Northern Feminist Institute for Research and Evaluation to conduct research evaluating best practices for reducing incidence of violence against Indigenous women and girls along the Highway of Tears. Focus groups were conducted in 2023 and the research is currently being compiled. Please stay tuned for the release of the report.