We are advocating to prevent violence towards Indigenous girls, women and LGBTQIA2S+ people along Highway 16.
We are Indigenous girls, women and LGBTQIA2S+ people, advocating to prevent violence along Highway 16.
The Highway of Tears is a 725-kilometre corridor of Highway 16 between Prince George and Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada, which has been the location of many missing and murdered Indigenous women.

Who we are
The Highway of Tears Governing Body was formed as a result of one of the Highway of Tears Symposium Report Recommendations and it provides direction and support to our work.
What we are fighting for
With respect and love for our missing or murdered loved ones along the Highway of Tears, we are committed to fulfilling the thirty three recommendations from the Highway of Tears Recommendations Report to end the violence towards Indigenous women and our communities.

Community Safety Toolkit
This toolkit was created by Indigenous family members who’ve had a missing or murdered loved one so others with a similar experience don’t have to feel as alone, in the dark or have no idea what to do if someone goes missing. Our prayers and strength are with you in your journey. May your loved one be found and come home to the family who loves and misses them.
Because of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls from communities across our country, Canadians are missing out on thousands of Indigenous women that could have been our mothers, teachers, lawyers, doctors, mayors and more. Each of these women’s lives were interrupted much too soon and Canada would be a different place if they were still living among us.

Carrier Sekani Family Services
Carrier Sekani Family Services proudly provides holistic health and wellness services, in keeping with our mandate, for Carrier and Sekani people in North Central British Columbia, with some services that extend across the country. Our culturally relevant services meet high standards. Culture is at the core of all that we do!
All of our holistic wellness programs and services are provided through the Carrier life cycle approach. The Life Cycle provides a foundation for all Carrier Sekani Family Services programs and services.

Families of missing and murdered Indigenous women in northern B.C. and an Indigenous social service agency have unveiled four new billboards to honour and remember the women and girls who’ve died or disappeared along a notorious highway that’s been dubbed the Highway of Tears. The route has been called the Highway of Tears because more […]
The province is investing an additional $75 million to expand cell coverage. The province is investing $75 million through the Connecting British Columbia program, administered by Northern Development Initiative Trust, to help fund projects that will expand cellular to at least another 550 kilometres of highway by 2027. The funding builds on a $15-million investment […]
Highway 16 in British Columbia is known as the Highway of Tears. It is a route that holds many secrets of people who have gone missing or been found murdered along the stretch of highway between Prince George and Prince Rupert in northern B.C. A recent breakthrough in the 12-year-old missing persons case of Madison […]